



social and psychological rehabilitation of children, forced isolation, deprivation, pandemic, mental trauma.


The article is devoted to the practical analysis of the specifics of emotional state of children in social and psychological rehabilitation centers while in social isolation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and to the detection of effective psychological tools to stabilize their psycho-emotional state. Research methods: content analysis of audio recordings of counseling and supervision sessions with the tutors who work at the centers of social and psychological rehabilitation for children living there 24/7.It was established that during the first stage of the quarantine tutors experienced sudden restrictions of the usual way of living and felt frustration that expressed itself in the form of dissociations and fast exhaustion. All age groups of children experienced the revival of emotional state during vacations. Independence and cohesion among the teenaged audience increased. Forced closeness strengthened symbiotic ties in the team and focused attention on each other, but at the same time, toxic relationships of an unspecified format progressed. The children's sense of security began to stabilize and their trust started deepening.The adaptive stage of the quarantine was marked with a partial restoration of social contacts. The general euphoria that children felt was replaced with the fear of the unknown future. There were shifts between anger and depression, self-aggression was counterbalanced by thefts. The protective mechanisms of displacement, idealization, rationalization, and sublimation dominated. Aggression towards each other progressed.The third stage, resocial, is influenced by hopes for a quick return to normal life. Due to the lack of “useful emotions” teenagers became open to taking risks. Some days their reactions might be full of negativity and impulsiveness without an effect of chain contamination and with the control of this group of emotions. The nature of such aggression is due to the lack of motivation for relationships, rather than due to the fear of death.It was established that the experience of forced social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic had no global destructive consequences on the rehabilitation of children. Children had the opportunity to establish trusting relationships with adults, to gain joint experience of overcoming difficulties and to strengthen their psycho-emotional state.


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