


narcissism, narcissistic tendencies, emotionality, individual-psychological compositions of narcissism.


The article is based on a longstanding professional experience of the author to identify the individual peculiarities of personality that are distinguished by their psychological emotionality. The author considers the specifics of some undesirable social manifestations relating to narcissistic tendencies, to extreme (subclinical) variants of “norm”. “Free individualism” which has recently become popular in the society does not only lead to communication disorders, interpersonal relationships, affects the activity progress, but also puts ahead the development of the personal organization as a narcissistic one. That is why the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the problem of narcissism, the study of its psychological manifestations, individual variations of the signs of this phenomenon is becoming relevant. Emotionality has been chosen as the basis of the search for individually typical features of narcissism, which is considered as a purposive tendency to experience emotions of a certain quality (sign and modality of dominant emotions). The article is aimed to present and discuss the results of the study on individual psychological features of non-clinical narcissism in people who differ in emotionality. The presence of negative significant correlations between the emotional modality “Joy” and most indicators of narcissism is revealed, while such modalities as “Anger”, “Fear”, “Sadness” correlate with indicators of narcissism mostly positively. The author considers the profiles of narcissism among the persons who differ in emotionality (steady dominance of one of the emotional modalities); studies “psychological portraits” of people who are prone to narcissistic tendencies and its specifics in representatives of monomodal types of emotionality; establishes differences in the structure and manifestations of narcissism among the representatives of different types of emotions. It is proved that the individual originality of narcissistic traits within the mental norm, the variability of their individual compositions (qualitative-quantitative combination of narcissism components) are conditioned by the degree of dominance of a certain emotional modality.


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