



forecasting, life forecasting, forecasting of professional activity, prospects of life and professional forecasting, ability to forecast, forecasting of successful professional activity, personality of adulthood.


The article presents the results of a theoretical study of psychological sources on the problem of predicting the professional activities of adults. Theoretical and methodological provisions of the study of forecasting and life forecasting as psychological phenomena in the works of foreign and domestic psychologists are revealed. The content and essence of forecasting human activity and professional activity are determined. There are two stages of studying the research topic: classical and modern. Representatives of classical psychology reveal the prediction of human activity in the context of its functioning at the sensory and mental levels of mental reflection. Modern psychologists in their research emphasize the development of prognostic abilities and skills of young people and adults in the process of professional training. The focus is on the relationship between the ability of an adult to predict their own future, their life goals and plans with the prediction of their professional activities. It has been proven that the ability to predict is a key condition for successful professional activity of an individual in adulthood. Empirically studied psychological features of forecasting life and professional plans of adults and their successful implementation. According to the results of the analysis of analytical, awareness, flexibility, prospects and evidence of life and professional forecasting, it is established that in future forecasts the analytical function of adults is limited, future awareness is related to causation, flexibility of goals and plans determines adaptability to rapid change, perspective has temporal characteristics in the living space of adults, and provability reflects the processes of analysis of life situations of the past to make a more accurate forecast of the future. It is stated that only a high integrated indicator of the ability to professionally predict adults can ensure the success of their professional self-realization. The importance for further study of the process of forecasting professional activity by members of different sexes is emphasized.


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