


self-affirmation, self-understanding, self-attitude, values, value orientations of preschool children, motor activity, activity, worldview, moral principles.


The article outlines the psychological dimensions of self-affirmation of the preschool child; identifies different ways of the child’s motor activity, which provides full and harmonious development; emphasis is placed on positive self-perception in certain social children’s situations - self-affirmation through motor actions, activities, children’s challenges; a thorough analysis of the preschool child motor activity spectrum and its impact on well-being and health has been performed; a blitz pool (mini-research) for the educators has been conducted; the list of creative meetings with parents and educators to increase motor competence and life affirmation of preschoolers is offered. The close connection of self-affirmation process with the processes of self-awareness, self-understanding and self-disclosure of the preschool child with the help of own initiative, creativity, children’s ideology and thinking is shown. Goal. The article outlines the psychological aspect of self-affirmation by means of the use of motor actions by preschool children; motor experience formation among the children; constructive communication of adults with preschool age children by means of physical culture and health orientation. Research methods: theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, design); empiric (supervision, conversation, interview, activity study). Results. 600 preschool pedagogical staffers from the Ternopil region participated in on-line mine-research (blitz questioning). It is revealed that only 43% of respondents have doubts in relation to a professional competence in motor activity, as it requires excessive efforts and agile aspirations; 34% of the teaching staff consider a necessity to be strong, slender and active educators, and demonstrate their achievements to children; 19% of the respondents are not determined about the answer and 4% give a negative answer. Conclusions. According to the results of blitz-questioning (on-line) among the educators of preschool establishments, the preschool children constantly present themselves in different motion activities, bravely and confidently expose themselves (speed, adroitness, endurance of motions, actions), to be more exact, “search” themselves in these activities, however, children aspiration must coincide with the educator’s desire for the sake of the teacher’s aim of “motion” realization.


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