


motivation, motives, different aged interaction, formation, junior schoolchildren.


The article highlights the results of empirical study of motivation formation among various aged children in junior school. Research methods: theoretical (the results of psychological research analysis and generalization); empirical (school documentation analysis, sociometric method “Choice of a partner for activity” by Y.L. Kolominsky, projective method “Diagnosis of junior schoolchildren’s moral self-regulation” by O.S.Bezverkhy, method “Incomplete sentences”); mathematical statistics (determination of percentages, χ2-criterion). It is determined that different age interaction  occurs among the children that belong to the same age period but to its different stages, who have a difference in age of more than one year, and who are marked by the ratio of senior and junior positions. 30 primary school classes pilot study showed that new-day primary school classes are in fact different age groups, in which pupils are not peers, but children with 1 or 2 year difference. This fact pinpoints a very significant psychological distance between junior schoolchildren because of their intense mental and personal development. The junior schoolchildren motivation to interact with classmates that belong to different age groups was determined on the basis of  business, positional, moral and value motive indicators. The best formed junior schoolchildren motives have been found out to be moral and value ones (31.8% of children with a high level and 60.2% with an average level), positional motives (21.6% of children with a high level and 57.2% with an average level) and finally, business motives among different age children interaction (18.6% of children with a high level and 47.1% with an average level).  The formation of different aged children motivation to interact in junior school decreases due the gap between the familiar (moral and value) and really acting (business) motives. A better formation of moral and value motives indicates different aged junior schoolchildren’s desire to interact that represents a significant potential in the development of their partnership with children of other ages.


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