


professional self-identity, personal components of professional self-identity, components of professional self-identity personal components, training program for optimization of professional self-identity, future psychologist.


The article presents the analysis of approbation results of effective formation means of professional self-identity and its components among future psychologists, first of all through activation of personal self-development, shaping self-identity idea, development of cognitive, emotional, motivational and behavioral components of professional self-identity as a whole. The tasks of the formative experiment on optimization of professional psychologists’ self-identity included: 1) development of the program of professional self-identity optimization for future psychologists; 2) bringing inadequately inflated self-esteem level among the students-psychologists during educational and professional training to an adequate state through the use of the optimization program; 3) reduction of anxiety and negative affect experience of future psychologists during training with the help of the program; 4) raising the cognitive activity level of future psychologists during training with the help of the program. A training program to optimize the formation of professional self-identity among the future psychologists has been developed. It contains the following active socio-psychological methods: discussions, role-playing games, psycho-gymnastic techniques, trainings with homework, methods of individual independent work. The purpose of the training program is to adjust the levels of psychological and pedagogical component development of future psychologists in the course of their professional self-identity formation. Tasks of the training program: 1) mastering professional self-identity knowledge that is necessary for students psychologists in their effective future activity; 2) acquaintance of future psychologists with methods and techniques of diagnosis of psychological characteristics of personality that affect the formation of professional self-identity; 3) mastering the skills and abilities to perform specific professional tasks that arise in the process of future activities, using their own professionally significant qualities. The first module was aimed at improving cognitive activity of future psychologists, the second one was to correct their self-esteem, and the third module was aimed to correct their emotional state. To determine the effectiveness of the program for optimizing the process of professional self-identity of future psychologists, we conducted a comparative analysis of the levels of personal component development in the control and experimental groups.


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