


inclusive education, inclusive competence, special educational needs, professional standard.


The article deals with the importance of effectively organized inclusive education as an indicator of quality education. We present a scientific study that reveals a significant discrepancy between Ukrainian legal framework for inclusive education to European values and guidelines; we also formulate the factors that complicate the implementation of inclusive education in Ukraine. The article focuses on the staffing for inclusive education and above all the position of a psychologist in an inclusive educational environment. The legal and regulatory, methodical and research materials devoted to the definition of the content and forms of a psychologist’s activity in an educational institution have been systematized. A comparative analysis of the content and forms of the activity of a psychologist and other members of the IEP team has been carried out in the Ukrainian regulatory legislation. The article emphasizes that the standard “Practical psychologist of an educational institution” lacks inclusive competence, and the concept of “inclusive education” is given in the list of such situational interventions as bullying, violence and bad habits. The research on the available sources of the conceptual field of the term “inclusive competence” revealed insufficient specificity and compliance of this concept with the needs of the time. We emphasize the article’s main focus which substantiates the concept of a practical psychologist’s “inclusive competence” as a necessary ability to provide professional assistance to children with special educational needs in the educational institution. The developed structure of inclusive competence comprises personal, interpersonal and activity competencies. We have specified the content of these competencies and indicated that the best format for their creation is direct training accompanied by expert coaching. The focus on inclusive competence in the training of future psychologists or in the process of advanced training of already experienced psychologists will allow to form their professional skills in accordance to the requirements of the time; will help improve the professional support for children with special educational needs in educational institutions.


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