



mental deprivation, crisis situation, existential psychotherapy, anxiety, resource, psychological support, socialization, pandemic.


Objective. The article reveals some aspects of socialization and activation of psychological resources of the individual during the pandemic and quarantine, analyzes the mechanisms of adaptation of the individual to the crisis situation, considers possible ways of psychological support of the individual, including prevention of alienation, anxiety, existential loneliness and mental deprivation. Results. We based our study on the hypothesis that the emotional well-being of an adult depends on the specifics of the subject’s involvement in a deprivation situation, daily self-realization in the process of search activity. These influences are mediated by the hierarchy of values of the individual, the characteristic way to respond to life circumstances and the ability to maintain internal balance in a particular situation, realizing its meaning and essence. According to the concept of our study, the unmet key social needs lead to release of suppressed internal contradictions, actualization of neurotic experiences, growth of existential anxiety. In the process of online counseling, we were able to identify internal and external motives that mediate and motivate a certain way of life. Prolonged stay in an unfavorable situation shifts the norms of life, activates traumatic memories, and sometimes paralyzes the activity so much that the individual begins to be afraid to take the initiative even to meet habitual needs that are suppressed, neurotic syndromes are observed, distrust towards others and dissatisfaction are formed. Conclusions. One of the important tasks of the research is the implementation of the program of psychological influence, which provides interpersonal communication with emotional inclusion in the group, empathic dialogue with positive modality of attitude as far as modeling situations of emotional deprivation of different intensity.The essence of psychological care is to integrate the existential experience of psychotherapeutic meetings in the personal life of the client, which involves the formation of skills to overcome stress and adapt to frustration.


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