



professional utterance of the psychologist, сriteria professional utterance of the psychologist, professional competence, communicative speech competence, psychologist speech, culture of verbal communication psychologist.


The article presents a theoretical review of the specifics of the speech activity of a psychologist, the peculiarities of their professional saying as a method of psychological influence on a client in the process of psychological counseling. Some сriteria have been defined in professional utterance of the psychologist. The results of identifying the levels of development of the ability to formulate professional statements in future psychologists as a component of their communicative speech competence have been presented. It was noted that the training of a future specialist should be focused on the formation of a professional psychologist who has a high level of professional culture, a culture of verbal communication, should have competence in general, communicative competence, and, in particular, communicative speech competence. The psychologist’s speech communication culture is a complex systemic formation of the personality of a specialist, which is an integral behavioral component of their communication culture and takes place in the phase of realization of speech actions externally using speech means adequate to the goals of professional communication. Therefore, the future psychologist should strive for the highest degree of their professional
perfection – the master of speech activity. As a result of an experimental study of the levels of development of the ability to formulate professional statements in future psychologists using the methods of research developed by us and on the basis of the criteria we defined for professional statements of a psychologist, we identified the shortcomings of professional communication and speech training of future specialists in higher education. A significant number of students with a low level of development of the ability to formulate professional statements were identified. The necessity of the development and implementation of psycho-technologies of the formation and development of communicative speech competence in the educational process with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of communicative speech training of future psychologists has been proved. They should be carried out with the use of active teaching methods with the goal of acquiring students’ ability for professional speech interaction and mastering the ability to formulate professional statements in solving practical situations close to the real conditions of professional activity.


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