


interaction, activity, subject, reciprocity, intersubjectivity, personality.


The article explores interaction as a complex interfunctional psychological system of interpersonal connections and actions that provide reciprocity as internal feature of interaction and common task performance as external one. It is proven that interaction includes two basic aspects, namely reciprocity and joint activity. Reciprocity underlines close connection of participants, while joint activity shows directional multiplicity of possible specific-vital content of interpersonal interaction. Thus important thing is that anything a human being could experience or think of may become both interaction matter and task performed by its participants. Various aspects of pedagogical interaction are studied, particularly mutual judgement-based evaluations of both teachers and students. It is mentioned that interaction is studied by psychological science in many contexts and aspects, from neurobiological to a social one. It is underlined that interaction as human existence taken for granted underlines that individuals can’t function in isolation. In particular, the article raises an issue of negative effects of loneliness on human health coupled with hypothesis of corresponding positive effects of interpersonal interaction on mental and somatic health of elderly people. Social brain hypothesis is analyzed in conjunction with interaction concept. Strong methodological connection of interaction as category with categories of activity and practice is outlined, as well as with the concept of reciprocity in human culture. It is argued that dialectical unity and counteraction of personal relations and actions come forward as a psychological mechanism of human interaction. Scientific development of psychological concept of interaction is important because different types of psychological practices inevitably assume interpersonal cooperation between psychologist(s) and client(s). Therefore, successful cognition of psychology of interaction means also better organization of professional activity of a psychologist as the person obliged to co-operate with others for their good.


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