



hardiness, engagement, risk acceptance, control, coping behavior, creativity, resilience.


The article considers the analysis of the problem of hardiness of students of higher educational institutions in the conditions of distance learning. The purpose of the research: to study the features of hardiness of students of higher educational institutions in the conditions of distance learning. Research methods: Maddy’s Hardiness Survey, Neuropsychiatric Stability Assessment Questionnaire “Prognosis-2”, Stress Management Questionnaire (COPE), methodology “Diagnostics of personal creativity”, mathematical and statistical methods of processing results (Student’s t-test). Results of the research: each of the studied groups of students of higher educational institutions in the conditions of distance learning has different psychological features of hardiness. For the first-year students, psychological features of hardiness are strategies for overcoming stress, which determine a person’s behavior in certain stressful situations, as well as imagination, as a component of creativity. For graduate students, the psychological features of hardiness are neuropsychic stability and various factors on which its manifestation depends; as well as strategies for overcoming stress, which determine a person's behavior in certain stressful situations. For the students studying in other courses, the psychological characteristics of hardiness are directly hardiness as a system of beliefs about themselves, the world, and regard with the world, which includes three relatively autonomous components: engagement, control, and risk-taking; neuropsychic stability and various factors that determine its manifestation; and creativity, which manifests itself in components such as curiosity and imagination. Conclusions: in the context of distance learning, each of the studied groups of students of higher educational institutions demonstrated a different degree of severity of certain components of hardiness. This affects the ability of representatives of these groups to overcome and experience stressful situations in different ways, while maintaining internal balance and not reducing the success of viability.


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