


bullying, mobbing, cyberbullying, digitalization of violence, adolescence, student youth.


The article considers the problem of psychological cyberbullying of student youth in order to substantiate the essence of the phenomenon and the prevalence of its manifestation in the youth environment in higher education institutions. The relevance, insufficient study of the issue and attempts to justify the importance of a scientific approach to this problem have led to the choice of topic, theoretical generalization and analytical review of research that have become the impetus for further empirical research. The research methods were the theoretical analysis of legal and psychological-pedagogical literature on understanding the concepts of bullying, mobbing and cyberbullying, empirical results of diagnosing the prevalence of cyberbullying among the students on the author’s questionnaire, which is based on the study of O. Makarova (2016) “Psychological features of cyberbullying as a form of Internet crime”. The concepts of “bullying” and “mobbing” in the legal and psychological and pedagogical aspects are defined, the use of “cyberbullying” concept for the study of student youth and its prevalence among adolescents is substantiated. The relevance of the problem and the need for further development of theoretical principles and practical research of cyberbullying not only for schoolchildren, but also for adult graduates was established. Peculiarities of cyberbullying manifestations in students and their differences from school violence on the Internet in scientific and practical research are considered. Quantitative data have been obtained and the main tendencies in understanding the problem of digital psychological violence in cyberspace among the students of different specialties and educational-professional programs have been defined. The presence of cyberbullying in various spheres of life of applicants and the frequency of manifestations of the phenomenon among student users of the social network within the institution of higher education have been empirically revealed. This study will be the basis for a theoretical and empirical study of socio-psychological factors of counteraction and means of cyberbullying prevention in the student environment, and will be an impetus for the further development of cyber psychological science in Ukraine.


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