


psychosomatic disorders, primary school-aged children, style of family upbringing, psychological climate in the family, anxiety, stressful situations


The article emphasizes the importance of the problem of psychosomatic disorder growth in primary school-aged children. Medical sphere professionals are frequently confronted in their practice with the children, whose pathology puts them “in a dead end” as for the ways of dealing with it as it does not come with some visible changes in the somatic status. These are not manifested even in an in-depth study, although accompanied by the changes in the child’s psychological state. The impact of the family on the occurrence of psychosomatic disorders in children requires special attention to be studied while regardless of the family’s well-being and general economic situation in the family, even with the favorable factors of child development, unconstructive style of family upbringing can trigger psychosomatic disorders. The psyche of the primary school-aged child is characterized with particular vulnerability and children’s insufficient ability to think critically about the world that surrounds them. As a family member, the child gets into relationships with their parents who can have both positive and negative effect on them. Thus, harmonious relationships in the family, namely those of children with their parents, appear to be an essential condition for the mental development of a primary school-aged kid. Parents give children the sense of security, help them learn how to behave and respond to certain conditions in life. The results of the empirical study made it possible to identify the details of a family’s influence on the occurrence of psychosomatic disorders in primary school-aged children. Moreover, they helped the authors figure out the level of parent’s awareness of the tasks, content and methods of raising children; identify the peculiarities of parents’ attitude, and determine the degree of children’s satisfaction with their position in the family.


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