


professional reflection, self-development, self-realization, motivation, value perception, future documentologists


The article proposes a comprehensive psychological developmental program to enhance professional reflection and self-development of future documentologists, based on the idea of personality-oriented education of the individual. The main idea of such education was to model educational situations that would encourage the individual to self-knowledge and self-development. The main tasks of the program are the following: revealing the essence of the “professional reflection” concept for students; actualization of the value attitude to oneself from the position of “I am а professional”; increasing the activity of future documentologists to master the profession; deepening knowledge of methods and techniques of effective professional reflection. The main strategy of this psychological development program was the activation of professional reflection of future documentologists and interest in reflective activities and, as a consequence, their self-development in future professional activities. To implement the tasks, the following activities were conducted with the students: mini-lectures, informational videos, tutorial construction of an intellectual map, videos, discussions. During the practice syncveins, diary of reflections and videopresentations developed by the students were also used. In addition, students actively participated in festivals, seminars, trainings as volunteers and speakers, it helped them to understand their strengths and weaknesses, what exactly to work on. The introduction of a psychological development program will help increase students’ conscious desire for self-knowledge, self-education, change in values, increase readiness for self-realization and the desire for self-development in the profession. The developed toolkit was aimed to assist academic curators, teachers and practical psychologists of higher education institutions in development work in order to increase the potential of professional reflection and self-development of future documentologists.


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