



professional identity, professional motivation, self-realization, self-determination, professional development, identity


The article considers the problem of forming the professional identity of the future social work specialist, which, according to the authors, can significantly increase the motivation of students to acquire a profession. The data of educational motivation research testify direct influence of higher education level on specificity of professional identity among the graduates of “Social work” specialty. The dynamics of professional identification of future social workers is largely determined by their personal development. Master's students have a more pronounced academic and professional identification than bachelor's students that are characterized by the predominance of intrinsic motivation for professional activity.
The research purpose is to study and form the professional identity of future social workers in the process of university training, which initiates the search for new landmarks in education, goals and opportunities. In the context of this problem, we set the task to investigate the influence of the educational context on the dynamics of the formation of motivational and value-semantic determinants of the professional identity formation among future social workers. The results obtained prove that the level of higher education affects the specifics of the professional identity of graduates. The first year students actually make a sense of professional identity, and having entered a new social and professional environment, the external student identity turns into an internally accepted, conscious, emotionally colored characteristic. BA and MA graduates are shaping new goals and prospects for professional development, rethinking and refining various options for professional and creative self-development, employment and building a professional career. Therefore, increasing the competitiveness and mobility of future professionals in social work necessitates a purposeful increase in the level of professional identity of the students during university training.


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