



ecological consciousness, media education, adolescence, ecological education, ecological crisis, ecological competence


The article investigates the influence of modern social media on the formation and development of environmental consciousness of adolescents from both the theoretical and empirical points of view. The article considers the content of the concepts of ecological consciousness, social media and ecological crisis. The factors influencing the quality of publications and social network “greening” are highlighted. The article has revealed the necessity of modern media education “greening”, its sustainable development and renewal in accordance with the requirements of today’s society and the environment. We conducted an empirical study of the environmental consciousness among the students of secondary school in Goncharivska gymnasium of Chernihiv district, Chernihiv region (n=60). In the study, we used the following research methods: content analysis, “EZOP” method and the form “Naturafil”. The selected bank of methods allowed us to assess the development level of environmental awareness of the student’s personality that will help identify the priority areas of work with them in media space. According to the results of the study and the content analysis of social networks for adolescents that allowed to identify the main issues of the “man – nature” interaction, we found out that, on average, about 18% of respondents showed a low level of environmental awareness that is characterized by contemptuous and consumer attitude of the child to nature. About 35% of respondents have the most developed aesthetic and pragmatic attitude to nature, in other words, they perceive it as “beautiful and useful”. Only 16% of respondents have a satisfactory level of environmental awareness, which is characterized by the fact that the adolescent perceives nature as the source of knowledge and future. Within the results obtained it is possible to outline the prospect of further study in the direction of theoretical and empirical research of the state of ecological consciousness development in adolescents and possible ways to improve it.


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