


credit products, money, attitude to money, perception of credits, monetary attitudes, applicants for higher education


The study of the conditionality of a person’s perception of money and credit products is becoming an increasingly popular field of research, as evidenced by the latest publications of both Western and Ukrainian scientists. However, most studies examine only certain prerequisites for personal perception of money and credit. The purpose of the study is an empirical study of the psychological features of the perception of credit products of banking institutions by applicants for higher education. Based on the purpose, we have identified the following objectives of the study: determining the types of monetary attitudes of applicants, studying the factors influencing the attitude of higher education to money, determining awareness of applicants activities of banking institutions, the behavior of users of bank loans and the feasibility of using credit services of banks. The following methods have been used: the method “Scale of money ideas and behavior” (Money Beliefand Behavior Scale, author A. Fernham), “My attitude to money” questionnaire (O.G. Khodakevych), “Attitude to money and credit of higher education seekers” questionnaire (author S.V. Shevchenko), and method “Scale of monetary ideas and behavior” (A. Fermen, modification by M.V. Simkov). It is determined that in adolescence a system of basic attitudes to money manifests itself: the degree of adequacy of credit perception increases in relation to a person, at the same time, credit products are evaluated on the basis of people’s own ideas, which are sometimes illusory and superficial, and a person’s own image of money and credit is less dependable on the assessments of others. At the same time, complicating the process of economic socialization of the younger generation often leads to an unconstructive perception of money and credit: from giving them too high value, the desire to get rich in any way (up to illegal actions) to the complete leveling of their value.


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