


stress resistance, psychological resilience, emotional-motivational component, anxiety, emotional balance, motivation to succeed, social workers


Social work is an integral part of the society of any country, which is aimed at supporting those segments of the population who are unable to effectively adapt to the conditions of public life for a certain period of time. An extremely important task is the systematic training of highly qualified social workers who are able to maintain and develop their own resistance to stress, which ensures the success of social workers in their professional duties. Stress resistance is a systemic dynamic quality that determines a person's ability to cope with many stressful situations, actively change them or adapt to them without harm to their health, and maintain the effectiveness of their activities. Thus, it activates the emotional, cognitive and behavioral spheres of personality, so it is advisable to study not only the general level of resistance to stress, but also the peculiarities of the development of its structural components. The aim of the article is an empirical study of the psychological features of the development of the emotional and motivational component of stress resistance of social workers of different ages. The results of the study made it possible to determine the features of the development of constructs of the emotional-motivational component of stress resistance in social workers of different ages, the level of anxiety, emotional balance and motivation to succeed. It was found, that with age, social workers increase the level of anxiety and emotional balance, as well as reduce level of motivation to succeed and motivation to avoid failure. Such results can be explained by the deterioration of health, including the nervous system, decreased activity and reduced ambition, as well as the development of reflection of one’s emotional state, the acquisition of skills to purposefully influence it, achieving optimal motivation to succeed, which also contributes to effective performance of professional tasks and saving of own resources.


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