


communication, communicative media competence of a psychologist, communicative abilities, media competence, students-psychologists


The article highlights the theoretical and empirical study of the communicative media competence phenomenon of a future psychologist. The meanings of the concepts (communicative competence of a psychologist and communicative media competence of a psychologist) are specified. The structural components of the communicative media competence of a future psychologist are determined (cognitive, emotional, behavioral, media competence, which includes technical (digital), psychological and marketing knowledge and skills). The empirical study was conducted in the period from 2019 to 2020. Two samples participated in the study: psychologists-practitioners (n = 62) and students-psychologists of 3-6 academic years (n = 277). We selected methods that allowed us to assess and compare the developmental level of communicative media competence of psychologists-practitioners and students-psychologists, namely: “Methods of assessing communicative and organizational skills (COS-2)” and the personally designed questionnaire to study the professional media competence of psychologists “Professional media competence”. We found out that only 7% of psychologists-practitioners and a third of students-psychologists have a low level of communicative competence of the individual; a third of practicing psychologists and almost half of future practical psychologists demonstrated an average level of communicative competence of the individual; 66% of psychologists and a fifth of students showed a high level of communicative competence of the individual. 3% of psychologists and a third of students have a low level of organizational skills; more than half of specialists and 43% of future psychologists-practitioners showed an average level of organizational skills development; a third of psychologists and a fifth of students-psychologists showed a high level of organizational skills development. The vast majority (81%) of psychologists and only a third of students (34%) showed high and average levels of professional media competence. We have also prepared psychological and pedagogical recommendations for the development of professional communicative media competence of future psychologists. We see prospects for further work in the study of psychological factors of the communicative media competence development of practical psychologists.


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