


self-esteem, personal dignity, “real self”, “ideal self”, self-awareness, explicit self-esteem, implicit self-esteem


The article introduces the theoretical positions of scientists regarding the understanding of “self-esteem” from the rise of the concept at the end of the nineteenth century up to this day. The structural component of the model of personal dignity – self-esteem – has been theoretically analysed and a schematic of it has been drawn. A point of explicit and implicit self-esteem existence, the difference between them and the level of awareness ( cognitively accessible and subconscious) and the impact on the personality have been made. It has been pointed out that the self-esteem structure is represented by three components – emotional, which shows the attitude towards a person as a degree of self-satisfaction, cognitive, which reflects a person’s knowledge of him/herself, and behavioural, which shows the attitude towards a person at the level of action.The importance of self-esteem in an individual’s life has been outlined as it affects the level of aspiration and ambition of a person in various spheres of life, as well as it demonstrates the relationship between “real self” and “ideal self”. A particular focus is placed on the fact that a person receives the highest self-esteem (holds him/herself in high esteem), based on those aspects of his/her identity that best correspond to the values of the surrounding culture. The self-esteem system is an important way in which people internalize their culture values on an implicit level, even if they do not consciously recognize it. Theoretical analysis has shown that people with non-congruent self-esteem are more unpredictable and reactionary. Disagreements between the level of aspiration and real possibilities lead to an incorrect self-assessment and, as a result, a person’s behaviour becomes inadequate, emotional breakdowns may occur, anxiety increases, and so on.


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