



personality, academic integrity, spirituality, spiritual values, honesty, trust, justice, respect, responsibility, courage


In the context of educational reforms with a focus on European standards, there is a need to understand the fundamental values on which the educational process should be based and implemented. The article presents the results of the study of academic integrity as a conglomeration of spiritual values that demonstrate the personal position of the representative of the academic community in the educational space. The purpose of the studies to reveal the content of the phenomenon of academic integrity in the context of the spiritual paradigm of psychology. Objectives of the study are to determine the methodological provisions of the spiritual paradigm of psychology and reveal the content of the value spectra of academic integrity in the context of the spiritual paradigm of psychology. Such theoretical methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison. generalization and systematization of theoretical approaches and views to the problem of academic integrity, psychological hermeneutics were used. The starting point of the analysis of academic integrity in the context of the spiritual paradigm of psychology is the consideration of the personality of the academic community as a noological entity characterized by potential universality, creative and volitional orientation, immanent ability to choose good and deny evil, ontological attitude to self-knowledge. Spiritual values, which are the essence of academic integrity, are actualized in the minds of students, teachers (according to the specific situation of choice in the educational process). Each time these values are processed by “internal rethinking” through the prism of deontic choice and responsibility for its implementation realization of these values in a deed.


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