


schematization, scheme, mental activity, candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), scientific activity


The article is devoted to the study of the schematization ability of candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) as a mechanism of their professional thinking and thought communication. It gives an analysis of the main provisions of modern psychological science on understanding the essence of schematization as a tool of professional thinking and thought communication, and the ability of schematization as a leading professional quality of a scientist which should be formed at the stage of his professional training. Research methods: theoretical (analysis: theoretical, terminological; generalization, systematization, classification); empirical (diagnostic methods adapted to research tasks: survey, testing, self-assessment); mathematical statistics (method of averages, correlation analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics v.23). According to the results of an empirical research, most Ph.D. candidates who took part in the diagnosis have insufficient knowledge (at the level of intuitive knowledge) about the essence of schemes, awareness of their place among other methods of visualization, as well as types and principles of construction, which makes it impossible to characterize their ability to schematize as conscious, reflected. Moreover, most candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy have an insufficient level of the ability to schematize both objects and processes, violate their generic organization, the existing rules of symbolic, graphic presentation. On the other hand, they assess the level of development of their own skills mainly at intermediate and high levels and every third of them has a low level of individual relevance of partial reflection of activities, which provides understanding, evaluation of their thinking process and communication. It is established that the urgent task of domestic higher education is the purposeful development of the ability of schematization in candidates for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, which can be provided by the implementation in the content of educational and scientific programs such principles as: awareness of the essence of schematization, integration into existing experience. and mental activity, the gradual complication of the constructed schemes, the unity of constructs, the convolution of information, the stages of the schematic movement.


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