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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is spaced 1,5; uses a 14-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Dear authors!

The article must be original, relevant for foreign and domestic psychological science, not published before and not submitted for publication in other scientific journals. The author (authors) of the article is responsible for its content, the absence of plagiarism, the accuracy of the names, titles and citations of the article and the correctness of registration according to the established edition of the journal requirements.
Articles that meet the requirements and are written in Ukrainian or English are accepted.
Number of authors of one article – no more than two.
All articles are reviewed for academic integrity and reviewed.
The requirements of the articles meet the standards of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and leading foreign scientometric databases.

Registration of articles

The body of the article should contain the following components:

  • Introduction (20% of the volume, substantiates the relevance of the research topic; analyzed foreign (at least half in the list of literature, mainly from Web of Science and / or Scopus databases) and domestic research and publications (monographs, dissertations, abstracts of dissertations, articles in professional scientific periodicals) mainly in the last 10 years; it is inadmissible to submit a list of authors without analyzing their works and references to these works in the text of the article and the list of references);

          The purpose and tasks of the research.

  • Research methods (20% of the volume, characterized by the procedure of theoretical and methodological and / or empirical research).
  • Results and discussions (55% of the volume, theoretical and methodological or empirical research conducted by the author (s); discussions on the results obtained).
  • Conclusions (5% of the volume, summarizing the results and outlining the prospects for further research).

The volume of the main text of the article (without annotations and literature) should be at least 0.5 other pages / 9-10 pages / 16500-18500 characters with spaces.
The total volume of the article should not exceed 24-25 pages.

Technical requirements for the article:

Fields: lower, upper – 2 cm; right – 2 cm; left – 2 cm.

Editor: MS Word.

Headset: Times New Roman, size 14, size 1.5.

The text is typed without hyphenation. The article uses polygraphic quotes “   ”, hyphen (-) is not separated by spaces, hyphens (–) are separated by spaces; non-color diagrams of MS Word.

Pages are not numbered.

The article should be framed as follows:

  • UDC code;

  • Title of the article (in Ukrainian);

  • Name and surname of the author (s) (in Ukrainian);

  • Academic degree, academic title, position, E-mail, ORCID (Researcher ID, Scopus ID – if author) – (in Ukrainian);

  • Main place of work, postal address of the institution (in Ukrainian);

  • Abstract in Ukrainian (1800 characters without spaces (230-250 words);

  • Keywords in Ukrainian (5-8 words).

  • Article text

  • Literature

  • References

  • Title of the article;

  • Name and surname of the author (s);

  • Academic title, academic degree, position (English);

  • Main place of work, postal address of the institution (in English);

  • Abstract in English (1800 characters without spaces (230-250 words);

  • Keywords in English (5-8 words).

Use the ARA style in the article text. When analyzing the scientific position of one or more authors, the name (in the language of work, as in the list of references) and year of work are indicated: (Petrov, 2012) or (Ivanov & Petrov, 2015; Smith & Shell, 2017); if a citation is given, the author’s name (s), year of work, and the page number after the colon are first recorded (Petrov, 2007: 121).

Literature design

Literature and References should be framed according to the standards of the APA International Bibliographic Standard:

For transliteration of literature from Ukrainian into Latin you can use the service, from Russian – Foreign language publications are not translated.

The online submission on the Journal’s Web-site provides the following:

1) an article file named after the authors name: Ivanov_article;

2) a file with a scanned review of an article submitted by a Dr. (PhD) in Psychology with a verified reviewer’s signature (for the author without scientific degree): Ivanov_review;

3) a file with a scanned copyright agreement signed by the author: Ivanov_agreement.

Terms of receipt of the author’s copy.

The journal is forwarded by New Mail at the author’s expense.


The cost of one page of the article is 85 UAH. The cost of publishing covers the costs associated with obtaining a doi for the article and issue, editing the article, publishing services, maintaining the Journal’s website, and more.

The editorial board will inform the authors of the results of the review of the article, its approval for printing and its payment.

The sample design of the article

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.