(Un) Hybrid War: Political, Ideological, Informational Dimensions





війна, гібридна війна, гібридна загроза, російсько-українська війна, інституційна спроможність, ідеологія, постправда, національна стійкість, міжнаціональні збройні конфлікти.


The proposed analysis explores the controversial concept of "hybrid warfare." The term is examined in various contexts: as a tool of propaganda, as part of political and military lexicon, and as an instrument and subject of political analysis. The study reflects on whether this concept accurately reflects the realities of the Russian-Ukrainian war and contemporary possibilities for scholarly research. Certain features of the usage of the terms "hybrid warfare" and "hybrid threats" in the political and legal field of Ukraine are identified. The deployment of specific dimensions of (non)hybrid warfare, particularly political, ideological, and informational methods and forms of Russian aggression in Ukraine, is discussed. Through the example of the ongoing conflict, it is demonstrated that these three dimensions are often interconnected, manipulative, uncontrolled, ancient, and blurred, aligning with the Russian strategy of spreading chaos in the world.

The research is conducted based on the analysis of scholarly works, political statements, military assessments, normative documents. The proposed article is overview-oriented and invites further scholarly discussion. It argues that 1) the term "hybrid warfare" constantly requires clarification and often raises ethical questions; 2) the concept of "(non)hybrid warfare" is not universal but opens up space for discussions and can contribute to an objective understanding of current events. The article is constructed on the principles of objectivity, historicism, incorporating elements of dialectics, political comparative analysis, cross-disciplinary and systemic approaches. Theoretical explorations in this topic are important not only from the perspective of political-philosophical discourse but also as a strategy for victory and the establishment of sustainable peace, political stability, and democratic development in Ukraine and the world at large.

Author Biographies

Olha Volianiuk, Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor

Yaroslav Drozdyuk, Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Postgraduate student of Department of Political Sciences



How to Cite

Volianiuk О., & Drozdyuk Я. (2023). (Un) Hybrid War: Political, Ideological, Informational Dimensions. Науковий часопис УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова. Серія 22. Політичні науки та методика викладання соціально-політичних дисциплін, 22(33), 64–75. https://doi.org/10.31392/UDU-nc.series22.2023.33.07