Terrorism as an Instrument of Conflict Socio-Political Clash





terrorist organizations, political terrorism, conflict, ideology, democracy, Global Terrorism Index, extremism


Political terrorism is closely linked to the state of conflict in public relations. As a result of the existing differences that underlie the conflict, political terrorism has a destructive effect on the course of the conflict, provoking further escalation. Therefore, political terrorism must be interpreted as a kind of instrument of conflict socio-political conflict, which arises at a certain stage of social contradictions, when they are not removed in time and one of the warring parties (or both at once), given the real or imaginary pressure of their interests and rights, resort to terrorism so that they can radically resolve the conflict. The study of terrorism is inseparable from the study of extremism, which allows us to understand their relationship and interdependence. Knowledge of the essence of political terrorism, its dependence on geopolitical, socio-political, economic, psychological conditions – will open opportunities for predicting its manifestations. Solving these problems will allow timely prevention of new terrorist acts, preparation and implementation of anti-terrorist measures. Today's realities are such that none of the modern theories of terrorism yet provides a complete and comprehensive answer to questions related to political terrorism. There are no uniform approaches to understanding the problem, there are no clear criteria for identifying socially dangerous actions recognized as a terrorist, this problem is ambiguously assessed by the media, social movements, human rights organizations. In-depth scientific and theoretical study of political terrorism, knowledge of the basic mechanisms of determination of political terrorism, and the conditions of its functioning, which are very important for the implementation of measures to narrow the range of these causes and conditions. Modern terrorist organizations are trying to develop deeper ideological and theoretical concepts of their criminal activities. In the future, it is necessary to anticipate and pay more attention to the issues of ideological justification of terrorist activities. Political terrorism, as a complex political and criminological phenomenon, is its own scientific and practical problem, which remains relevant for many decades and will require close attention from scientists in various fields of science – sociology, psychology, conflict, and, above all, political science.

Author Biography

Daria Likarchuk, Київський національний університет культури і мистецтв

PhD (in Political sciences), Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts



How to Cite

Likarchuk Д. (2021). Terrorism as an Instrument of Conflict Socio-Political Clash. Науковий часопис УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова. Серія 22. Політичні науки та методика викладання соціально-політичних дисциплін, 22(29), 48–55. https://doi.org/10.31392/pnspd.v22i29.1065