Article review process
The Editorial Board of the Scientific Journal provides external, independent peer review to ensure the selection for publication of manuscripts of a high scientific standard.
All manuscripts of articles submitted to the editorial board of the Scientific Journal are reviewed. The journal uses double-blind review.
The review process includes a comprehensive evaluation by the reviewers of the author's manuscripts submitted to the editorial board of the Scientific Journal, which includes the most objective assessment of the theoretical and methodological level of the article manuscript, its scientific and applied value, as well as providing recommendations for improving the content of the article manuscript.
Reviewers adhere to the requirements for ethics in scientific publications, stated in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Stages of the procedure for reviewing article manuscripts:
- The article is peer-reviewed by at least two qualified experts (external and internal), who are confidentially appointed by the editorial board of the Scientific Journal.
- All manuscripts of the articles are provided without indicating surnames, positions, places of work/study or any other data about the author(s).
- Evaluation of manuscripts, comments and recommendations is carried out by reviewers in a special questionnaire (you can download the link).
- In the case of a positive response from the reviewers, the article is sent to the editorial board of the Scientific Journal for its further publication in the next issue of the journal.
- If there are any comments, the article is sent to the author(s) to eliminate the comments and prepare an updated version of the article manuscript. The updated version of the manuscript is accompanied by a letter where all changes to the text of the manuscript are noted and justified. The updated version, as well as the letter, are re-sent to the reviewers for evaluation and opinion on the possibility of publication of the article manuscript.
- In case of disagreement with the comments of the reviewers, the author(s) are invited to provide a reasoned answer regarding the appropriateness of the author's opinion. The editorial board may send the manuscript for re-review to another expert. The editorial board of the Scientific Journal is involved in the expert opinion. The editorial board reserves the right to reject the manuscript if the author(s) refuse to make changes to the manuscripts to take into account the comments of the reviewers and the editorial board.
- In the case of a negative assessment by two reviewers, the author(s) are notified of the rejection of the article for publication.
Criteria for qualification or rejection of article manuscripts:
- the content of the article should correspond to the topic of the Scientific Journal;
- the statement of the problem is related to actual scientific and/or practical tasks. The article manuscript contains elements of scientific novelty, in which the latest studies, which have begun to solve the problem, are analyzed.
- compliance with all formal requirements for the formation of manuscripts of scientific articles: the title of the article corresponds to its content, the purpose and tasks of the article are clearly formulated; the subject field of research, previously unsolved issues of the general problem are singled out; the structure of the article is logical; the research methodology is adequate to the research subject; the presentation of the main research material is fully substantiated; conclusions are based on theoretical analysis and/or empirical data; opened prospects for further research; the abstract is informative; keywords correspond to the content of the article. The tables and figures given (if available) are relevant and of high quality; the list of used literature is up-to-date and correctly compiled; the language of the article corresponds to the scientific style; the lexical and grammatical quality of the language of the article is high
- compliance with the principles of academic integrity. All articles are subject to a plagiarism detection procedure before being reviewed. If plagiarism is detected, the editors refuse to publish the article manuscript.
The review procedure lasts an average of one month from the date of submission of the manuscript to the editorial board of the Scientific Journal.