Political Responsibility Institutionalization as a Сondition of People's Power in Ukraine


  • N. Іvanova Київський національний економічний університет імені В. Гетьмана


responsibility, delegitimation of power, political institute, transformational political system


The article deals with the peculiarities of citizen’s political responsibility as subjects of democratic principle implementation. The effectiveness of the main mechanisms of political responsibility realization, in particular electoral procedures, system of checks and balances, public opinion in modern democratic states is analyzed. The main contradictions of ensuring political responsibility in the conditions of transformative political systems are revealed, among them irrational motives of electoral orientations, distortion of the will of voters in the process of coalition’s formation, manipulation of public opinion.

The positive experience of developed democracies in securing political accountability in a crisis of traditional institutions, the dominance of information manipulative technologies, image aspects of political activity based on the processes of interaction between state and civil society institutions, decentralization, competitiveness of administrative services and alternative informational sources are taken into account.

It is proved that the inefficiency of the mechanisms of political responsibility in Ukraine is caused by the absence of stable social norms and values, the uninstitutionalized nature of the political system as a whole, which makes it impossible to adequately evaluate public political activity, constructive political participation, conscious election to leading public office. In particular, such obstacles to the functioning of the political responsibility institution as instability of the electoral legislation, permanent delegitimization of power, the conflict of old (authoritarian) and new (democratic) political values are analyzed.

The thesis about the necessity of institutionalizing political responsibility in order to approve permanent formal procedures for controlling citizens over power, which provides for both regulatory and legal regulation of mechanisms of political responsibility, as well as the formation of democratic values and moral attitudes of a responsible citizen, is substantiated.

Author Biography

N. Іvanova, Київський національний економічний університет імені В. Гетьмана

кандидат філософських наук, доцент, доцент кафедри політичних технологій Київського національного економічного університету імені В. Гетьмана (Київ, Україна)



How to Cite

Іvanova Н. Ю. (2020). Political Responsibility Institutionalization as a Сondition of People’s Power in Ukraine. Науковий часопис УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова. Серія 22. Політичні науки та методика викладання соціально-політичних дисциплін, 22(28), 56–60. Retrieved from https://sj.udu.edu.ua/index.php/pnspd/article/view/867