Information (Digital) Society: Political and Legal Aspects of Implementation


  • Y Krylova


information society, digital society, digitalization, information and communication technologies, politics, digital transformation, EU digital agenda, digital state, information security, personal data, e-democracy, e-justice, e-mediation, E-Europe 2020, E-Europe Ukraine 2020, Electronic Poland


The article highlights the problems of the formation of the information (digital) society. The main advantages and problems of the implementation of information and communication technologies in the life spheres of modern society and the state are investigated. The positive impact of the development of information and communication technologies due to the Internet and the principles of e-democracy has been examined in the context of expanding opportunities for participation of the population in the formation of civil society, influence on political decision-making ets. It is substantiated that under the conditions of the rapid development of these technologies and information globalization, the political and legal aspects of this issue, in particular the problem of protecting personal data and the like, are gaining importance. The article highlights the foreign experience of political and legal support for the development of the information (digital) society and explores the problems of implementing relevant EU documents and projects on the development of the information society in national legislation.

The political and legal problems of digitization are considered as a component of the development of the modern information society. The experience of introducing digitalization in Poland is being investigated. The complexity of the digitalization process in modern Ukraine is analyzed.

The main priorities for the development of the information society in Ukraine are identified. The basic principles of the national policy of the information society in Ukraine are analyzed, among which the priority is the scientific, technical and innovative development of the state.

Author Biography

Y Krylova

аспірантка кафедри політичних наук Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова



How to Cite

Krylova Ю. І. (2020). Information (Digital) Society: Political and Legal Aspects of Implementation. Науковий часопис УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова. Серія 22. Політичні науки та методика викладання соціально-політичних дисциплін, 22(27), 75–83. Retrieved from