Participation of Ukrainian Youth in the Activities of the Territorial Community: the Motivation Aspect




youth, youth policy, participation, civil society, identity, territorial community, motivation, motivational environment, activity, demotivating influence.


In the context of the implementation of the principle of decentralization in Ukraine, the role of the community in solving and making important decisions is strengthened. Youth is considered because of the importance of this group as a certain social capital for society and the territorial community. The latter is a platform for acquiring and realizing the competencies of young people. The article attempts to highlight the features of the motivational environment, the factors and the nature of their influence on the participation of young people at the level of the territorial community. In the environment that affects the activity of Ukrainian youth in the community, groups of external and internal influencing factors have been identified. External ones include the state, community, education system, media, civil society, family, friends and colleagues; to internal ones - the need for socially oriented activities, mental characteristics of the territorial community, interest in the life of the community, the system of value priorities and the place of socially oriented human values, the development of civic responsibility and duty, trust in the authorities of the territorial community, identification with the community, the region, country, social group, etc. Each of the mentioned factors has its own specificity and performs a certain function in influencing a young person: it can both motivate him to active participation and demotivate him, which contributes to passive and indifferent participation. It is determined separately that the motivational environment can also be determined by the general conditions of social development, the social situation, including crises, war, which can significantly change the type and style of participation, and in general, the activity and behavior of a person. The understanding of the motivational environment and the peculiarities of the impact of isolated factors encourages scientific research and further understanding of the problem of encouraging and stimulating the participation of young people at the level of the territorial community and society in general.


Author Biography

Maryna Ostapenko, Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Senior Research of Scientific and research center

«Institute of social and legal and political studies named after Oleksandr Yaremenkо»,

Doctor of Political Sciences, Associate Professor 



How to Cite

Ostapenko М. (2024). Participation of Ukrainian Youth in the Activities of the Territorial Community: the Motivation Aspect. Науковий часопис УДУ імені Михайла Драгоманова. Серія 22. Політичні науки та методика викладання соціально-політичних дисциплін, 22(35), 39–47.