About the Journal
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 747 of July 13, 2015 (Political Sciences)
State Committee for television and radio broadcasting of Ukraine
Certificate of State registration of print media CV No. 13895-2869Р dated of April 22, 2008
The publication is approved by the resolutions of the Scientific Boards of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (protocol No. 8 dated of 23.01.2020)
In the journal presented the results of theoretical and empirical research of topical issues of Political Sciences, obtained by the authors of the articles.
The scientific publication is included in scientometric databases and directories: Google Scholar, «Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine» at Vernadskyi National Library of Ukraine.
Policy (purpose and objectives) of scientific edition
Collection of scientific works «Scientific journal of MP Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Series 22. Political Science and Methods of Teaching Socio-Political Disciplines ”was created in 2008 - according to the Certificate of State Registration of Print Media Series КВ № 13895-2869Р dated 22.04.2008. Collection approved by the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated 10.03.2010 for №1-05 / 2 (Political Science) as a Professional Edition; re-approved on 13 July 2015 (Minutes No. 747).
During these years, 28 issues of the magazine were published (as of March 2020). The collection was founded by the first Doctor of Political Science in Ukraine, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Political Science Department of MP Dragomanov NPU Olga Babkina. Representatives of scientific-pedagogical schools of professors V. Andrushchenko, O. Babkina, V. Gorbatenko and others provided the institution-founder of the scientific publication of the strategy of development and teaching of socio-political sciences in higher education institutions. Representatives of these schools focused on the problem of conceptual foundations of a relatively new field of knowledge for Ukraine - political science, its subject field and methodological principles, determining the place of Ukrainian political science in the humanitarian knowledge system, its functions, structure, teaching methodology.
Collection of scientific works «Scientific journal of MP Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Series 22. Political Science and Methods of Teaching Socio-Political Disciplines »ISSN Number (ISSN print 2411-1287); each published material is assigned an international digital DOI. The journal is published on the platform "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" in the VI National Library of Ukraine. Vernadsky NAS of Ukraine, indexed by the international scientometric database of Google Scholar. The website of the publication is posted on the University's website, where the policy of the collection is disclosed; composition of the editorial board; the process of reviewing and adhering to editorial ethics; the procedure for designing and submitting a publication for publication; full articles; each publication is accompanied by an extended abstract in English and Ukrainian (not less than 1800 characters). The publisher provides high-quality independent peer-review of the materials submitted for publication by research scientists specializing in publications in professional journals (including foreign publications included in the Web of Science Core Collection and / or Scopus, etc.).
Collection of scientific works «Scientific journal of MP Dragomanov National Pedagogical University. Series 22. Political Science and Methods of Teaching Socio-Political Disciplines »publishes the results of modern scientific research in the field of political science, namely: history and theory of political doctrines, policy theory, comparative political science, problems of political modernization and transitive processes, applied political science, political ethnology analytics, forecasting and more. The journal covers topical issues of political science and methods of teaching it, promotes the achievements of scientists, pedagogical experience of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of political science, promotes the public with the results of dissertation research.
The organization of internal and external peer review of the articles is entrusted to the editorial board of the collection. The publication is published twice a year, which ensures the mobile response of scientists to the modern needs of the field of political science.
Official web-site: https://sj.npu.edu.ua/index.php/pnspd