Forming algorithmic competencies of future teachers of informatics at the new stage of educational development


  • N. Kushnir кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, декан факультету комп’ютерних наук, фізики та математики Херсонського державного університету
  • V. Shakotko кандидат педагогічних наук, заступник директора з навчальної роботи Кременчуцький педагогічний коледж імені А.С. Макаренка



Інформатика, алгоритм, алгоритмічні компетентності, підготовка вчителів інформатики.


The views of scientists on the algorithmic component of the future IT teachers’ training are analyzed in the article, the links between the contents of the requirements for the professional competences of IT teachers and the content of the curriculum of school computer science at different stages of the development of this discipline are investigated.
A comparative analysis of the requirements for the algorithmic competency level formation of secondary school students according to computer science programs of 2008-2009 and 2017-2018 was conducted. On the basis of this analysis, as well as the results of monitoring the level of teachers' preparedness for teaching students algorithmization and programming, the necessity of making essential changes in the methodical system of training future IT teachers, strengthening of the fundamental component of this system based on the improvement of training on algorithmization and programming has been substantiated.



How to Cite

Kushnir Н. O., & Shakotko В. (2019). Forming algorithmic competencies of future teachers of informatics at the new stage of educational development . Scientific Journal of the Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University. Series 2. Computer-Oriented Learning Systems, (21 (28), 83–92.


