Studying of properties of some graph of trigonometric functions at lessons of algebra and beginnings of mathematical analysis in classes with mathematics profile.


  • I. Bilyay


algebra and the beginnings of mathematical analysis, graphs of trigonometric functions, trigonometric functions properties, GRAN1


The article is devoted to studying of properties of some graph of trigonometric functions and elementary transformations of graphs. Based on the analysis results of external evaluation for 2013-2016 school year it is shown the low level of preparation of students in trigonometry. The selection of the exercises is done in the publication to teach the students to graph the trigonometric functions, to make elementary transformations of graphs, to illustrate properties of some graph of trigonometric functions and to analyze the change properties depending on the values of the relevant parameters. Conclusions made in the article could be used during the development of practical methods of studying trigonometric functions in classes with mathematics profile.



How to Cite

Bilyay І. М. (2019). Studying of properties of some graph of trigonometric functions at lessons of algebra and beginnings of mathematical analysis in classes with mathematics profile. Scientific Journal of the Mykhailo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University. Series 2. Computer-Oriented Learning Systems, (19 (26), 175–181. Retrieved from


